If you want to know how to make money sports betting, you’re probably already a sports fan.

I have bad news for you – most sports fans lose money sports betting.

How to Make Money on Virtual Sports Betting. One of the effects of the coronavirus outbreak has been in the sports world. While there are greater problems in the world right now, it is frustrating for a lot of people. Sporting events have been put on hold indefinitely. With sports betting now on its way to being completely legalized throughout the United States, this is going to be a huge opportunity for anyone looking to make some serious money. Of course, most people are immediately thinking of how they can make money by actually betting on games and putting their sports expertise to use. Matched betting is using bookmaker free bet offers combined with betting exchanges to guarantee that a profit is made no matter the outcome of a sporting event. The easiest way to explain this is with an example. Lets take an offer I received from Betstars as an example. The sign up offer is bet £50 at odds over 1.5 and get £20 free. If you know that a 52.4% record will mean you break even, the simplest way to turn sports betting into a career is to bet enough so that a 53% winning record will bring in the kind of money you want to make. It does this through doubling the betting stakes each time their betting bank doubles in value, until such times as they wish to withdraw a significant lump sum, or become Sports Betting Millionaires, provided they are able to rigidly comply with the 5 requirements listed in the previous section of this article.

That’s because they have biases and prejudices toward and against teams that wouldn’t exist if they weren’t fans.

In other words, it’s hard to make money sports betting unless you’re objective about the teams’ odds.

But if you’re a fan who can set aside these notions, you can probably win money sports betting.

This post introduces some ideas you need familiarize yourself with to pull off this feat:

You Must Understand Some Math to Make Money Sports Betting

To break even as a sports bettor, you need to win 52.4% of your bets.

To win money as a sports bettor, you need to win MORE than 52.4% of your bets.

Some people might be confused by that, thinking that if they win 50% of their bets, they should break even.

And anything above a 50% win ratio should result in profits, right?


While it’s true that most bets have a 50% probability of winning based on the point spread, the bookmakers make you wager $110 to win $100. (You’ll sometimes run into books which want you to risk $120 to win $100, and you’ll also find some that want you to risk $105 to win $100.)

If you’re losing half the time, but you’re losing more money than you’re winning the other half of the time, you’re going to lose money in the long run.

Imagine if you place 2 bets, winning one and losing the other.

You win $100 on the bet you won, but you lose $110 on the bet you lose, which leads to a net loss of $10.

And that’s just the beginning of the math you need to understand to make money sports betting.

More about Sports Betting Math

Let’s look at a more detailed example, just to give you a clearer idea of what I’m talking about when I say you need to understand the math behind sports betting.

You go to your favorite bookmaker’s website, or visit the book at your favorite online casino, and you see the following posted:

Buffalo Bills -3
New Orleans Saints +3

The team with the – sign next to it is the favorite. To determine the winner of that bet, you subtract 3 from their score before comparing it with the other team’s score.

The team with the + sign next to it is the dog. You get to add 3 to the team’s final score for determining which team wins.

In either case, when it’s not listed, you’re expected to wager $110 to win $100.

Those point spreads are also called the lines.

The book creates the line so that they don’t get an overwhelming loss when the favorite beats the dog. If there weren’t a line, everyone would bet the favorite and win most of the time.

The point spread creates a situation where you (theoretically) have a 50% probability of winning.

The lines are set by the handicappers working for the bookmaker. And for the most part, they’re good at their job.

The lines aren’t always right, though, and when they’re wrong, you can profit.

How to Use Moving Lines to Track Sharp Action

A “sharp” is an educated, winning sports bettor. Sharps generally bet large enough amounts of money that bookmakers will adjust the point spreads (“lines”) to stimulate action on the other side. If you watch how the lines move, you can track the sharp action and make betting decisions based on what the sharps are doing.

One thing to look for is called “reverse line movement.” That’s just a fancy way of describing when the line moves away from the side with more money bet on it – the popular side.

That’s easy enough to do – find a line that moves from +7 to +6, for example, then look at how many people are betting that side of the match.

Now you know which side the book is trying to stimulate action for.

Combine this with shopping lines from one bookmaker to another, and you have a powerful tool for placing bets with a positive expectation.

Be a Contrarian

You can find plenty of websites that estimate what percentage of the action is on one side or the other of a sporting event. For example, you might find a football game where 70% of the public is betting on one side, and 30% of the public is betting on the other side.

If you bet with the 30% rather than with the 70%, you’re being a contrarian – you’re betting the other side of the event from what most people are.

The good news is that being a contrarian usually means betting the underdog. People generally prefer to bet on favorites than underdogs.

I like to root on underdogs, but as it turns out, betting on an underdog to cover results in a higher percentage of bets won than betting on the favorite.

It won’t result in a high enough percentage to make you profitable in the long run, though – you’ll still need to pick and choose.

How To Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting

But betting underdogs is a great starting point for a winning sports betting strategy.

Manage Your Bankroll Appropriately

You might have heard the expression “on any given Sunday.” This refers to the possibility of an upset in pro football – on any given Sunday, any team can win, regardless of what people might think.

This means that no matter how confident you are in your bets you still might lose.

And, in the short run, you might lose a higher percentage of bets than you expect.

What does this mean in terms of managing your bankroll?

It means that you shouldn’t have too much of your bankroll in action on any given bet.

For example, suppose you’ve found a bet that you’re confident has a 65% probability of being a winning bet. That’s a stellar percentage; if you won 65% of your bets in the long run, you’d be breathing rarefied air. You’d be the Warren Buffett of sports betting, in fact.

But if you have a bankroll of $10,000 and wager all of it on that one match, you have a 35% probability of losing your entire bankroll.

This means starting over and building a new bankroll, which takes time.

And when it comes to winning at sports betting, time is money.

You’ll see varying estimates of how much of your bankroll you should risk on any single bet.

Your tolerance for risk should determine your bet sizing, but 1% to 5% of your bankroll is a good guideline to follow.

If you have a low tolerance for risk, bet 1% of your bankroll on each bet. With a $10,000 bankroll, this means limiting the size of an individual bet to $100.

If your tolerance for risk is high, bet up to 5% of your bankroll on each bet. With that $10,000 bankroll, you’d limit the size of your bets to $500.

You can adjust those bet sizes based on your confidence level in your picks.

If you’re sure about a bet, you might wager $200 or $300 (2% or 3%) on it even if you’re risk averse.

Limiting the size of your bets prevents a series of upsets or a run of bad luck from running you out of the hobby.

Don’t Buy Picks

Here’s the problem with buying sports picks:

How to make money sports betting redditHow to make a lot of money sports betting sites

The people selling these picks are usually no better at picking winners than you are.

Companies that sell sports betting picks are called tout services. They have an interesting history.

I have a friend who worked for a tout service in Las Vegas back when they still used call centers and 900 numbers to sell their picks. He explained to me one of their strategies with their customers, which I’ll share with you below:

In a room full of touts over the phone, half the room would sell picks on one side of a game.

The other half would sell picks on the other side of the game.

This would result in half their customers winning each week, while half their customers would lose.

If any of the losers called to complain – and they often did – they’d give them a free pick on the Monday night football game.

And they’d follow the same strategy – give half the losers one side while giving the other half the other side.

Half their losers won their money back and became satisfied customers, buying more picks.

I also read a story in a book about gambling about a gentleman who started his own tout service via a 900 number, and he let his 5-year-old son make all his betting picks for him.

The kid got lucky and was right 60% of the time in his first season.


It was dumb luck, but if you’d used his service, you’d have showed a profit that season.

I saw a tout selling an entire season’s worth of picks for $3000.

What kind of winning percentage would you need to see to generate a positive ROI on that $3000?

That’s a sunk cost, so you’d need to win more than $3000 for that package to be a profitable deal.

You already need to win 52.4% of the time to break even, and you need to win 52.5% or more to be profitable.

If you make less than $3000 profit, you’re still losing money.

It’s hard to make money betting on sports when you have an upfront investment of $3000.


Yes, you can make money betting on sports. People do it every day.

But it takes a smart approach, preferably a contrarian one. You need to thoroughly understand the math and manage your bankroll appropriately.

Most importantly, you should avoid buying sports picks from experts who might not really even be experts.

This is the first out of a three-part article series, which purpose is to investigate how one can make money from sports betting and the requirements of making a living from it.

Part 1: Having realistic expectations AND Different ways to make money from betting

Setting realistic expectations

If you already feel like skipping this part you are the type that would benefit the most from reading it.

First off, it is important to have realistic expectations.

As with anything in life, making money from sports betting requires time and effort.

And those looking for a get-rich-quick solution or minimal work are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Whether you have a job or are a student, things like this start as a side project.

Most of the people who work for Trademate are building their bankroll on the evenings and weekends, while working on Trademate during the daytime.

Whether you are studying, working a 9-5 job or making a living from playing poker, we think this approach makes a lot of sense.

It happens to be very compatible with value betting since that is when the majority of games are played anyway, and thus when the edges occur.

If you don’t need the money from betting to cover living expenses, it also reduces your risk as you have more legs to stand on financially.

It also enables you to reinvest any profits you make and keep building your bankroll. This, in turn, increases your turnover and potential profits.

You can keep doing it this way until you reach a point where it makes economic sense to do it full time.

Different ways to make money from sports betting

There are 2 main ways to make a living from sports betting:

The first is being able to pick winners. Which is what 99% of all tipsters and bettors out there are trying to do, and of which probably 98.9% are failing at.

To do this successfully, you would need to specialise in a market, preferably a niche market, where the bookmakers do not have the same level of information and knowledge as you, or where they can not interpret it as well.

If you want to try and create your own odds models, this article can help you get started.

The second way is to find value in the odds. Finding value can again be split into three groups: 1) Matched betting, 2) Arbitrage betting and 3) Value betting.

These can be ranked based on their potential risk and reward. The pros and cons of them are discussed in this article.

Also this guest post examines the pros and cons of arbitrage betting vs value betting.

At Trademate we are all about value betting as this gives the highest potential return of the 3 ways to make money.

The downside of value betting is that the risk is higher than for arbitrage and matched betting. This is because you only bet on one side of the game, the variance is higher. These articles and video explain variance.

Let’s use an example: If one takes a bet with 2.0 in odds, one can only expect to win 50% of the time. In the short run, anything can happen, e.g. losing 10 coin tosses in a row.

But over a large sample size, let’s say 10,000 tosses, the distribution of the number of heads and tails will be pretty much spot on 50/50 (the theory behind it is explained in this article and our big data analysis has shown that it has worked very well in practice for the Trademate users).

In practice, the potentially high variance nature of value betting, means that one needs to be prepared to place hundreds of bets, maybe thousands depending on the average closing edge and odds before one can expect the variance to even out.

One thing they all have in common is that they have hit bad swings, but made it through them.

We have had users who were breakeven at 1,500 bets, before they hit a good run and their profits soared up and past their EV line (expected value).

Before you start you should make sure that you understand the underlying principles of value betting, mainly exploiting market inefficiencies in our case.

It is not for everyone and if you decide that it is not for you, then that is ok. But then you will not be making a living from betting anytime soon.

Next, one needs to have the patience and discipline to stick with it, through both the upswings and downswings.

Reducing variance in value betting

There are steps you can take to reduce the variance in value betting, such as placing on lower odds, only placing one trade per game, placing trades close to kick-off, using a proportional staking strategy such as the Kelly Criterion and limiting it to 30% of the Kelly.

Also, one should apply a max stake size. We recommend operating with 1-2% of your overall bankroll. It is possible to set it higher and also to use a higher Kelly percentage if one wants to take more risk and increase the turnover.

Bookmakers limit winning players and how to increase your lifetime value

Whether it being matched betting, arbitrage betting or value betting, the soft books do not like winning players.

To stop players from winning, bookmakers will impose stake sizing limits on them.

Without getting a solid turnover, making money from either option becomes really difficult.

How To Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting Odds

How long it takes varies from bookie to bookie. There are also internal differences at the bookies.

All of this does not mean that it is not possible to extract good value from them first though!

Also, there are steps one can take to make the accounts last longer before they get limited and thus increase the lifetime value of the soft bookmakers.

Can You Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting

A topic we have covered in multiple articles, such as:

  1. Article: How to stay under the radar and avoid bookmaker limitations

  2. Article: How bookmakers track your every move and how to get around it.

  3. Article: How bookmakers profile winning players

At Trademate we are currently supporting 100+ soft bookmakers. Playing through all of them should take some time.

Also, because we have so many different bookmakers and also trades to choose from, the number of people who pick the same trade is not particularly high and thus each individual account lasts longer.

We also switch out a couple of bookies every few months to keep things fresh and have added 10 new bookies this year. So our overall value offered is constantly increasing.

Sports trading

Finally, what about sports trading? Traditional trading involves buying and selling assets. Sports trading involves either placing a value bet, an arbitrage or hedging a bet.

How To Make Profit From Sports Betting

Hedging a bet is basically to turn a value bet into an arbitrage bet. The difference between arbing and hedging is that when hedging, the bets are not necessarily placed at the same time.

How To Make Money Sports Betting Uk

For example in an arbitrage you place a bet on the home, draw and away within a short period of time, e.g. 1 minute. When hedging you would first place a value bet on e.g. the home team to win.

How To Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting Money

Then you can turn it into a sure win or a sure loss by taking a bet on both the draw + away team, or an Asian Handicap bet at a later point in time.

Hedging enables you to reduce your risk, but it also reduces the potential profit. We have covered the topic of hedging a bet in this article.

How Profitable Is Sports Betting

Ready for Part 2?

In the second part of the article series, we will have put some numbers on the different input factors that affect potential earnings and run some simulations.