Types of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs): What is an FFL? An individual who is licensed to engage in the business of manufacturing, importing and/or dealing in firearms. Persons must be licensed by ATF to engage in the business of firearms. Types of FFLs: Dealers: 01 – Dealer. The three (3) most common types of broker-dealers include introducing brokers, online brokers and clearing brokers. An investment management broker-dealer (i.e. Securities investment business) may also be involved in investment banking by helping to find buyers and sellers of investment securities such as bonds, MTN's and structured notes. What are commonly referred to as car dealerships are the places where you can buy: New cars only, and only of a single make/ (Honda, Ford, Mercedes). New cars, single make, plus used cars as certified pre-owned only of same make. You can only buy.

I’m a smoker. I’ve been smoking pot since, well I forget, so I guess that right there should give you an indication of how long. As many of you know, acquiring marijuana can be an uphill battle, particularly if your supplier is as reliable as a netted condom. But these illusive creatures are a necessity in the Pot Ecosystem, so you’re forced to swallow your pride and sit in a Chuck E. Cheese parking lot while Daryl gets off his shift because weed > dignity, always.

And since I know my drug dealers more than I know my own parents (I never know what they’re doing in there), I’ve classified this fascinating species into the six below classifications. Please feel free to add additional ones that you can relate to in the comment section so I have something to read when I’m stoned on the toilet.



Different types of dealers license

It’s important to be patient with this breed of dealer. You will not make the exchange without hearing a long-winded,

“My buddy, Carlos, from Cali. I told you about Carlos, right? Kid’s the MAN. Huge dick. Anyway, Carlos’ buddy Carlos, same name, weird right? Anyways, Carlos’s buddy Carlos brought this dank ass nug on his flight from Cali to Boston by shoving it up his asshole. HAHA! Crazy right?! How sweet is that? The poop particles are supposed to combine with the THC to get you SUPER HIGH. ”

Your story got a little hazy after you told me your friend has a huge dick. Kinda threw me off. Just give me the bag of poop pot and instead of $60 for the eighth, we’ll settle on $20 because sitting through that story was at least $5 of my life I’ll never get back. Oh ya, and it has shit on it.


  1. But the franchise concept is fundamentally different from the distributor-dealer model. Traditional distributors and dealers never pay an up-front fee to the manufacturer for the privilege of.
  2. Right now, there are three types of car dealers: High-Pressure, Bad Credit, and Community Dealers. Not all dealers fit nicely into one category and you'll get many that overlap, but in general, these are the three types of dealers you will encounter while shopping for a vehicle.

The unequivocal most frustrating drug dealer, because he gives you fucking instructions. This dude makes you circle the block like you’re training for the Indy 500 just because he thinks his neighbors tapped his walkie talkie. He uses code words even though you two have never previously discussed their meanings. It’s like bro, I’ve done exactly what you asked of me. I dressed up as a Domino’s delivery guy and even put the triangular sign on the top of my car. I bought a large pizza to “deliver” but if you think I’m actually giving you that shit, you’re delusional. This is mine for when I get the munchies from the weed you’ve made me get a part time job at Dominos for. You know how much vagina I’m sacrificing by driving around with that sign on top of my car? It’s a certified pussy repellent.

When he finally gets around to handing you the weed, his hand is shaking more than Michael J. Fox’s and his hand is so wet with sweat, you would have thought he fisted a dolphin.

This dude is an absolute last resort.


They usually go by the name of Chad, Trent, or Hunter. Most likely an only child. This guy just deals weed as an act of defiance against his parents for handing him off to the nanny for the majority of his childhood. The kind of dude that calls his mom a “bitch” and calls his dad when his account balance is low. He’s an alright guy, a part of you pities him because he’s selling weed while his dad is selling stocks on Wall Street, but what Hunter lacks in direction, he makes up for in sticky buds.

And it’s always kind of awkward when you meet him at his mansion because he instructs you to go to the front door, where you have to make pleasantries with his mother who’s watching Real Housewives and is already half in the bag from four dirty martinis. Why? Because Tuesday, that’s why. She could give a shit less if we’re going down to the basement to play Xbox or free base heroine off each others dicks, she’s just happy with the prospect that Hunter may have made a friend who could positively influence him in ways she never could.

He’ll take you down to the basement and offer you a drink from his dad’s whiskey bar that hasn’t been used in years and it’s just so pitifully obvious it was constructed solely as a dick measuring contest with his broker douchebags on Wall Street. You quickly decline the offer, asssuring him that you won’t be staying long. You’ll hear his mother, now blacked out, gossiping upstairs on the phone with one of her friends, probably named Brandi, and she’ll allude to Hunter having a “friend” over, which you’ll disagree with because friends don’t talk to friends like this:


A guy by the name of Hunter most definitely has cocaine, too. I just bought some off him.

It’s good.

It’s actually really good.

I should totally start a business.

Maybe write a book.

And call my gramma.

Shit, gramma died 10 years ago.

Use your fucking blinker, asshole!

I need more cocaine. Pick up the fucking phone, Hunter.


There hasn’t been one kid I used to babysit or camp council that has amounted to anything of substance. Actually, there hasn’t been one kid who has amounted to anything but substance.

It probably didn’t help mold their impressionable minds when I would take bong rips in the bathroom and when they asked what that skunky smell was, I’d tell them their was a decomposing rat carcass in the heating vent. Nothing that a pack of Dunkaroos couldn’t fix, which I bought for myself because eating Dunkaroos high is the next level of euphoria.

And sure, buying weed from a kid who once considered you a role model makes you feel like the old dude roaming the malls in his letterman jacket and stone-washed jeans trolling for underage chicks, but if I gave a shit about appearances, I wouldn’t have these bitch tits.




RIP Papa.

This guy. Won’t contact you all winter break while you’re home scraping resin out of your bong looking for a cheap high, but on a Monday morning while you’re sitting in an interview, you hear your Ying Yang Twins ringtone going off indicating that Mr. Bad Timing just picked up a pound. I should have known that the term “work week” doesn’t apply to the dude who hasn’t had a gig since he intentionally dropped that piece of cast iron on his foot at the steel mill and has been living off workman’s comp and checks from his grandparents since.

Mr. Bad Timing knows that you have to play by his rules and that makes us buyers feel powerless, but no one said this industry was fair.


This dude takes one puff of mid-grade bud and suddenly thinks he has the ability to cure ALS. The only problem is that after this spurt of inspiration, he himself becomes immobile. You gotta love his enthusiasm, but you know the second he starts coming down, his thoughts are consumed with 7 Eleven taquitos and watching a Pixar movie on Blu Ray.

This may be my favorite dealer of all because he has aspirations, albeit outlandish, outside selling weed out of his grandma’s basement. Even if he never finishes that flying car or that Tarantino-esque movie he was filming on his Boost Mobile cell phone, his intentions are to make the world a better place. And I can fucks with that. As long as he keeps delivering me those headies.

Not all car dealers are the same - you have your good apples and bad apples, just like any other industry.

Most people would rather visit a dentist than a car dealer, with good reason. Historically, car dealers have used under-handed tactics to rip consumers off.

While things have changed for the better in recent years, there are still a large number of dealers that use sleazy tricks.

Right now, there are three types of car dealers: High-Pressure, Bad Credit, and Community Dealers.

Not all dealers fit nicely into one category and you'll get many that overlap, but in general, these are the three types of dealers you will encounter while shopping for a vehicle.

High Pressure Dealership

A high pressure dealership is still one of the most common types of dealerships.

They may not be as bad as they once were before the internet brought about price transparency, but they still rely on tricks and under-handed sales tactics to try to sell vehicles.

The primary goal of a high-pressure dealer is to get customers into the showroom floor. They will do or say nearly anything as long as it convinces you to physically stop by the dealership.

Once you're in the showroom, they will pressure and try to wear you down until you agree to buy a car.

Common tactics used at a high pressure dealership include:

  • High Turnover - several salesmen will try to negotiate with you, one after the other
  • Balloons, Huge Banners, Gimmicks to get you in the showroom
Different Types Of Dealers

Bad Credit Dealerships

The 'Bad Credit' Dealerships target car buyers with bad credit, or ones that think they have bad credit.

They make most of their profits by arranging high-interest financing and selling unnecessary add-on products and accessories.

These types of dealers love the credit-challenged buyers because they are easily manipulated and offer little resistance when it comes to price negotiation.

Credit-challenged buyers tend to focus on monthly payments, which sets them up to be ripped off to the max.

You can spot a 'Bad Credit' dealership by the type of advertising they do. You know the ads - the ones that say things like 'Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem', or 'We can get you financed - guaranteed!'

These types of dealers tend to pull off scams such as Packed Payments and Spot Delivery.

Community Dealerships

The 'Community' dealer is the best type of dealership, but watch out because you can still get ripped off here.

The Community dealer actually cares about their reputation and character within the community and they try to build their business with repeat buyers.

So far so good.

The main problem with these dealers is that customers tend to put their guard down and are less resistant when it comes to negotiating.

Many of these types of dealerships offer 'no-haggle' pricing. That's generally a good thing, but remember, no-haggle doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the best price.

Where these dealers make their profit is in the trade-in, financing, and other add-ons they sell along with the cars.

If a customer trusts a dealership, they let their guard down and are ripped-off in other areas.

The point is - you should never trust any dealership to look out for your best interest. All of them are out to make money, which is fine.

Some just do it in a nicer way.

My Recommendation for Car Shoppers

Different Types Of Sellers

TrueCar No-Haggle, CarsDirect, and Ryde Shopper are the quickest way to see the lowest car prices in your area. These sites show you no-haggle prices from dealers closest to you - and the deals are usually really good. This should be the first step you take when negotiating your car price. Follow this up with my checklist to make sure you squeeze out every last bit of savings.
- Gregg Fidan Each week, I'll keep you up-to-date on the latest car deals and news that might affect your purchase. This includes...
  • Best Rebates, Incentives, and Lease Deals
  • Latest Car Buying Scams and Tricks
  • The Best & Worst Time to Buy a Car
  • Which Cars You Should Avoid

About: Gregg Fidan

Gregg Fidan + is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

Different Types Of Broker Dealers

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Different Types Of Retailers

Types of Dealers